Almost. The majority of our time here is spent driving around. We'll stop, talk to some people and generally listen to the same gripes and concerns over and over again. "My power doesn't work" "I don't have propane" "The NPs at the gas station shot my gas can" blah blah blah. Sometimes their concerns are real. Most of the time they're full of it and have their own agenda towards things. So most of the time we give them the always insightful "We'll look into it".
Sometimes we get to play actual infantrymen. Around the beginning of the month, we were visiting the NPs at the local station...listening their gripes and moans (theirs are generally actually relevant and meaningful). While we I was talking to them, their checkpoint outside the gate started taking fire from a building not far away. 2-3 guys with AKs on the third floor. NPs did what NPs do. They started spraying back with their AKs and PKCs (belt fed machinegun...). Meantime, we mounted up in our humvees and rolled out to see what we could do.
What we could do was get on line outside the building and unleash 2 .50cals and 2 M240s. That along with a couple guys dismounted firing their rifles and another that had dismounted as we left the gate firing his SAW made for some very unhappy insurgents.
During a semi lull in the shooting, I dismounted the rest of us and we headed to the building. Luck being what it is...bad guys along with NPs started shooting again. So we had the priviledge of approaching a building with bullets coming from both directions. When we got the building, I called back and got my terp to stop the NPs from shooting. We pushed on and opened the doors on the front of the building. Both sets of doors came up stairs. We went around the corner of the building and spotted a cooler on the ground. Thinking it might be a bomb and not wanting to find the hard way...we shot it. A lot. No boom so we drove on. Only other door on the bottom and still no stairs.
We cleared the house behind the building and went on the roof. Too high. And only place we could move to was impossible with all that we wear. We moved back and got the NPs, hoping they would be more mobile. Not so much. Still no roof access. All the while, we could hear things sliding around and weapons being worked up above us. The windows were not much chance of a grenade (plus it was a little ways up there to throw one ;)).
As we moved back down and were questioning some of the neighbors, our SAW gunner opened up again. The street had cleared off and he opened up on the guy that was shooing everyone away. We pursued and cleared several more houses. Kinda slow going with everything we wear, though.
The next day, we went back to the building. We borrowed a ladder from a local and made an entrance up the front of the building. Inside we found plenty of shell casings, bullet holes galore (had to be hell having .50cal cracking next to em :)), and blood stains near some of the windows, two bloody backprints on one of the walls and as we made it to the stairwell...arterial spurts on the wall. So no confirmed kills...but they were definitely hurting bad. There was also a dish of tar, probably used to plug wounds. The scene had also been cleaned up quite a bit. When we got downstairs, we found out why we couldn't get in...they had bricked the wall up. So new plan...we take fire from there AT-4 (rocket launcher) gets used on the wall.
So of course we do take fire from there again a couple days later...on my day off. Obviously I was upset...but the guys did breach the building with an AT-4 and clear it. Bad guys weren't in there anymore...but it was cool nonetheless. They also ended up killing two guys in a field not far away that were trying to flee with AKs.
Couple that with today's brief firefight on our way home as we stopped to help out some NPs, a small IED, a couple anti-tank grenades (from Iran) thrown at our convoy and it's been a fairly busy couple weeks for our platoon.
As always...remember our brothers to our south, though. A sister company got hit pretty hard. 5 KIA and several wounded in one attack. A complex ambush initiated by a deep buried IED. We're definitely taking our lumps as a Battalion...I've been to more memorial ceremonies than I care to, but we're also making a lot of progress. We've captured some top guys and generally disrupted the enemy pretty well. We're also making strides in getting basic services back online and updating some schools in the area. So it's not all for nothing...
Bobby, your life is just beyond my comprehension. So sad to hear about all the KIA's. I watch the news and see the stories, wonder if you know any of them. thanks for the update- I just sent to Tim. Take care of yourself! Wendy
Bobby, I have the same comment as Wendy. Your life is beyond what any of us can imagine. I am so proud of all of the work you and all of the soldiers do every day. Be safe.
I'm sitting here trying to think of some great comment, and I just can't come up with anything that expresses my admiration and appreciation---hang in there and thank you and keep writing this blog!
You know how I appreciate you guys, so ill leave that part alone. But I do have a question, is it just me or are you losing your hair? You should shave it. It would be a good look for you, and take it from me, not everyone can rock the bald look.
Be careful, and I promise, next time your home I am coming to visit.
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